Sus actividades

  • Sopa de letras

    Woordzoeker familie

    Sopa de letras

    Hoe beschrijf jij je familie? Zoek 5 woorden die jouw familie het beste omschrijven.

  • Completar texto

    Spelling van de werkwoorden

    Completar texto

    Tegenwoordige tijd en verleden tijd

  • Crucigrama

    Dead Poets' Society


    Answer the questions and fill in the crossword.

  • Crucigrama

    Vul het kruiswoordraadsel in. Schrijf de meervouden van de woorden.

  • Sopa de letras

    Zoek de kernwoorden

    Sopa de letras

    Lees het artikel in je werkbundel. In deze woordzoeker staan de kernwoorden van het artikel. Zoek ze op en markeer ze.

  • Ordenar Palabras

    Verband oorzaak-gevolg

    Ordenar Palabras

    In deze oefening moet je de definitie van het verband oorzaak-gevolg in de juiste volgorde zetten. Alle woorden staan er.

  • Crucigrama

    Tussenletters -en


    Lees de zinnen. Er staan steeds 2 woorden tussen haakjes. Met die woorden maak je een samenstelling. Deze schrijf je op in de kruiswoordpuzzel.

  • Diálogo

    Laura really wants to buy new clothes, but mum does not think that Laura needs them. They discuss what new clothes she needs. Listen to the dialogue and do exercise 1 of Part one: Vocabulary.

  • Diálogo

    Mark and Sheila


    Sheila went shopping today. She meets up with her friend Mark for lunch. He asks her a lot of questions about her shopping experiences. Listen to the dialogue. Answer the questions in the language tas...

  • Completar texto

    Which expression to use?

    Completar texto

    In this exercise, you have to fill in the gaps in the text with common expressions used in a shop. Use the context to decide which expression you have to use. The expressions that you have to use are ...

  • Relacionar Grupos

    Matching expressions

    Relacionar Grupos

    In this exercise, you will see 15 common expressions used in a shop. You have to find out which expressions belong together. Match the expressions with the same meaning.

  • Mapa Interactivo


    Mapa Interactivo

    Nicky is going shopping. There are several shops that she needs to visit today. For example, she needs to get her teeth checked, so she has an appointment at the dental clinic. Nicky also wants to go ...

  • Test

    In deze oefening krijg je een aantal spreekwoorden opgegeven vanuit de Griekse mythologie. Jij moet de juiste betekenis ervan zien te achterhalen.

  • Crucigrama

    Griekse mythen


    In dit kruiswoordraadsel leer je een aantal personages en uitdrukkingen uit verschillende Griekse mythen.

  • Diálogo

    Listen to the dialogue. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the expressions. After you have finished, answer the questions on your handout.

  • Completar texto

    Which question word to use?

    Completar texto

    Fill in the gaps at the beginning of the sentence with the appropriate question-word. You can choose to fill them in with the following question-words: what - where - who - why - when - how

  • Test

    You get a number of pictures of clothing. Pick the correct English word for the piece of clothing.

  • Test

    Bij deze oefening krijg je dertig zinnen. Je kruist aan om welke soort zin het gaat. Er is steeds maar een antwoord mogelijk.

  • Test

    In deze oefening krijg je een aantal zinnen opgegeven. Je moet aanduiden of de zinnen formeel of informeel taalgebruik gebruiken.

  • Sopa de letras

    Sherlock Holmes

    Sopa de letras

    Read the questions and find the right words in the word search puzzle.

  • Crucigrama

    Vocabulary: image


    In this exercise, you have to fill in the sentences with the correct word that describes the people.

  • Crucigrama

    Je oefent de vervoeging van sterke of onregelmatige werkwoorden in de verleden tijd.

  • Crucigrama

    Bekijk de beschrijvingen. Bedenk er een goed leenwoord bij.

  • Sopa de letras


    Sopa de letras

    In deze oefening staan er 14 leenwoorden. Kun jij ze allemaal vinden?

  • Crucigrama



    Kijk naar de verschillende teksten. Schrijf het juiste teksttype bij het juiste nummer.

  • Crucigrama

    In het kruiswoordraadsel moet je de namen van de afgebeelde goden op de correcte plaats invullen.

  • Sopa de letras

    Housing objects

    Sopa de letras

    Try to find all the words in this puzzle.

  • Crucigrama

    Click on a square. You will see a picture on the right side of the screen. Look at the picture and write down the words for the pieces of clothing.

  • Relacionar Grupos


    Relacionar Grupos

    Put the articles of clothing into groups. One group contains all the articles of clothing that are made to wear on the lower body-part. The other group contains all the articles of clothing that you ...

  • Sopa de letras

    Search the hidden words

    Sopa de letras

    In this puzzle, there are words about clothing hidden between the letters. Try to discover all of them.

  • Adivinanza

    Guess what accessory is shown in the picture. You will get three clues, and with each clue, the picture will get less blurry. You can guess three times. Answer in a full sentence.

  • Adivinanza

    Try to figure out what article of clothing the picture shows. You will get three clues. With each clue, the picture will get less blurry. Answer in a full sentence.

  • Adivinanza

    Try to figure out what article of clothing is mentioned. You will get three clues. With each given clue, the picture showing the article of clothing will get less blurry. Answer in a full sentence.

  • Completar texto

    What to wear?

    Completar texto

    In this exercise, you have to read the text and fill in the blanks with items of clothing or accessories. The text is about a boy who decides what to wear today.

  • Ordenar Letras

    What does it say?

    Ordenar Letras

    You are given a number of letters that can form an article of clothing. Put them in the right order.

  • Test

    Let's do a quiz. You will get a description of a piece of clothing or an accessory. It is your job to find the right word that matches the given description.

  • Ordenar Letras

    You are given a number of letters. With those letters, you can form a word. Put them in the right order. The word is something you can wear as an accessory.

  • Completar texto

    Sharp dressed man

    Completar texto

    Listen to the song Sharp dressed man from ZZ Top. The lyrics are written down here, but some words are missing. These words are pieces of clothing. Fill in the missing words with the right pieces of c...

  • Sopa de letras

    Articles of clothing

    Sopa de letras

    Try to discover all the articles of clothing and the accessories.