Sus actividades

  • Mapa Interactivo

    Extra map

    Mapa Interactivo

    Try to guess the name of the beaches pointed in the map. You can ask people or search online in order to complete this activity.

  • Ordenar Palabras

    Sort the sentence

    Ordenar Palabras

    Read the scramble words and try to make a sentence out of it

  • Dictado



    Listen to the words and write them down to check your spelling skills!

  • Crucigrama

    Crossword puzzle!


    Try to guess the words in order to solve this crossword!

  • Relacionar Grupos

    Podcast match

    Relacionar Grupos

    Listen to the podcast from the link and match the activities.

  • Presentación

    Carlitos the Hermit Crab


    Read the story in the slideshow

  • Sopa de letras

    Review 2.0

    Sopa de letras

    Try and find all the words from the list.

  • Ordenar Letras

    Vocabulary review (D)

    Ordenar Letras

    Read the jumbled words and try to sort them out in order to discover the meaning!

  • Ordenar Letras

    Vocabulary review

    Ordenar Letras

    Read the jumbled words and try to sort them out in order to discover the meaning!