Sus actividades

  • Crucigrama

    family members


    they have find the words about family members.

  • Sopa de letras


    Sopa de letras

    they have to find the words about cloth.

  • Relacionar Grupos


    Relacionar Grupos

    they have to associate the animals if they are wild animals or domestic animals.

  • Adivinanza

    month of the year


    they have to guess which is the month.

  • Ordenar Letras

    days of the week

    Ordenar Letras

    they have to choose the corret order of each letter and make the word of the name of the day´s week.

  • Adivinanza

    body parts


    the have to guess what is the part of the body

  • Sopa de letras


    Sopa de letras

    they have to find the words about colors.

  • Ordenar Letras


    Ordenar Letras

    they have to write in the correct order the sentence.

  • Relacionar Grupos

    parts of the house

    Relacionar Grupos

    match the following objects with the parts of the house.