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Everything Lyrics

Everything, by Alanis Morissette

I can be an asshole of _____________________ kind
I can withhold like it’s going out of style
I can be ________________ baby and you’ve never met anyone
who is __________________ I am sometimes
I am ___________________ woman you’ve ever met
I am ___________________ soul with whom you’ve connected
I have __________________ heart that you’ve ever seen
And you’ve never met anyone
Who’s _____________________ I am sometimes.
You see everything, you see every part
You see all my light and you love my dark
You dig everything of which I’m ashamed
There’s not anything to which you can’t relate
And you’re still here
I blame everyone else, not my own partaking
My passive-aggressiveness can be devastating
I’m terrified and mistrusting
And you’ve never met anyone as,
As closed down as I am sometimes.
Repeat chorus
What I resist, persists, and speaks ____________________ I know
What I resist, you love, no matter how low or high I go
I’m _________________________ woman you’ve ever known
I am ________________________ woman you’ve ever known
I‘m _____________________________ woman you’ve ever known
And you’ve never met anyone as, as everything as I am sometimes.
Repeat chorus

Recommended age: 15 years old
4 times made

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