New Activity
Play Unscramble Words Game
1. I never thought that it would rain today.
pensaba hoy que lloviera Nunca.
2. He wanted me to go to the dance with him.
Él le quería baile que acompañara al.
3. They didn´t believe that you would pay them.
les que pagaras No creían tú.
4. We never imagined that we would meet the president.
que Nunca imaginábamos conociéramos presidente al.
5. She wanted her son to write her every day.
Ella quería hijo su escribiera cada que día le.
6. You hoped that I would come to the party.
a asistiera yo la esperabas que fiesta.
7. I didn´t like that he spoke while with his mouth full during dinner.
que su durante él me llena boca No gustaba la cena con hablara.
8. It was good that you arrived yesterday.
ayer que Era bueno llegaran ustedes.
9. It was obvious that he liked Elena.
a le que obvio Era Elena él gustara.
10. It was obvious that they didn't want to eat there.
allí que obvio quisieran comer Era no ellos.