New Activity
Play Matching Game
1. Responding to the Arousal/Relaxation Cycle
2. Initiating Positive Interactions
3. Claiming Behaviors

Going shopping together for clothes/toys

Help the child to learn new coping strategies to support coregulation

Incorporating child's cultural practices and food into environment

Involving the child in family reunions and similar activities

Soothing the child upon night wakings

Going on special outings: the park, movie theater, plays

Responding to the child when they are physically ill or hurt

Playing games and express delight

Using the child's tantrums to encourage attachment

Watch the child play a video game, ask them about the characters and the objectives

Supporting the child's outside activities by being a group leader or attending games

Helping the child cop with ambivalent feelings about bio family

Teaching the child to cook or bake

If the child desires, adding a middle name to incorporate a name of family significance

Making statements like "In our family, we..." in a supportive and encouraging way

Hanging pictures of the child on the wall; include them in family photos

Watch the child's favorite tv show with them

Be the child's advocate

Helping the child express and cope with feelings of anger or frustration