New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . ____________________ - an add - on component to your computer .
2 . ____________________ - ( 1 / 72 " ) 12 points = one pica in printing .
3 . ____________________ - any menu that does not appear at the top of the screen in the menu bar . ( may pop up or down )
4 . ____________________ - a connection socket , or jack on the Mac .
5 . ____________________ - a processing chip designed by Apple , IBM and Motorola ( RISC based ) .
6 . ____________________ - a family of Macs built around the PowerPC chip .
7 . ____________________ - a program that stores documents to be printed on the hard drive , thereby freeing the memory up and allowing other functions to be performed while printing goes on in the background .
8 . ____________________ - the Apple system extension that gives one the ability to compress , edit and play animation , movies and sound on the Mac .
9 . ____________________ - acronym for Random - Access Memory .
10 . ____________________ - a switch on the Mac that restarts the computer in the event of a crash or freeze .