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The effects of energy can be seen , felt or heard in different ways , depending on the form of energy in question . The main forms are listed below :
____________________ energy : energy in the form of movement - a type of mechanical energy
? ____________________ energy : energy in the form of heat
? ____________________ energy : the energy of an electric current
? ____________________ energy : energy in the form of noise
? ____________________ energy : for example , light emitted from the sun or from a light bulb
? ____________________ energy : energy within substances that can produce a chemical reaction
? ____________________ energy : energy from an atomic reaction .

____________________ energy can be stored as ____________________ energy . An example is a load , lifted by a ____________________ and suspended at a high level . The weight has the potential ( in the future ) to be released and allowed to ____________________ , becoming ____________________ energy .

Energy can also be stored when a component is ____________________ deformed . This is called ____________________ energy . An example is the ____________________ in a watch , which is wound up , then progressively unwinds .