New Activity
Play Matching Game
1. Politics and other issues
2. Money
3. Action
4. Mistake
5. Meaning
6. Blame
7. Appearances
8. Being over-adventurous?

Asking too many questions or visiting certain places out of curiosity can lead you into unpleasant situations. The journalist asked too many questions and got almost killed. You know what they say ...

barking up the wrong tree.

Actions or communications need more than one person. He said it wasn't his fault, that his little brother had hit him first, but his friend replied: ...

It takes two to tango

You are accusing me of something my sister did. You are ...

Do someathing without hesitation. I might drop my job ... if I didn't have a wife and a son.

A visual presentation is far more descriptive than words Just show him the photos and he will understand. You know that a ...

Curiosity killed the cat.

It costs an arm and a leg

picture paints a thousand words.

controversial issue

judge a book by its cover.

At the drop of a hat

Hot potato

Don't think somebody is a certain way because of their appearance. YOu know you shouldn't ...

It is very expensive