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Clare's husband is a police officer and he does everything *BY THE BOOK*.

You can probably *READ SOMEONE LIKE A BOOK* after thirty years of marriage.

Why don't you *TURN OVER A NEW LEAF* and start getting some early nights?

If you *TELL TALES*, you won't be very popular with other kids at school.

*TO CUT A LONG STORY SHORT*, the prince turned into a frog and ended up on a French menu.

The team is very successful because all the members *ARE ON THE SAME PAGE*.

Sylvester doesn't look very bright, but you shouldn't *JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER*.

The building was old and grey on the outside, but inside it was *A DIFFERENT STORY*.

* know exactly what someone is thinking and feeling *

* let appearances influence you *

* report wrongdoings *

* to get straight to the main point *

* not what you might expect *

* have the same aim *

* exactly according to the rules *

* change your habits *