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Flat land





The ground is not stable here. It is difficult to set up camp in these areas.

This feature can be useful in modern conflicts as the environment can be used as camouflage. It is possible to creep up on your enemy without them suspecting.

This feature makes conflict very difficult. In particular it makes it difficult for the mass migration of refugees.

Temperatures are very hot during the day and very cold during the night. There are very few features so navigation is difficult.

This feature is difficult to cross, making conflict challenging.

This feature provides little cover and so can be a disadvantage when engaging in conflict. In particular, if the opposition are located on a higher relief then they are likely to have the advantage.

This feature gives an advantage as gravity helps attack. Many settlements are built on this feature to provide a good view.

A change to this factor may cause increased levels of conflict. Some recent wars have been caused by this factor.