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1. Kidnapped Montezuma because he wanted to "pig-out" on the gold
2. Kidnapped Atahualpa because he wanted to collect the treasures of the gold city
3. Found in the Yucatan of Mexico from 2,000 B.C. to 900 A.D.
4. Found in the Central highlands of Mexico from 1300 to 1519 A.D.
5. Found in the Peru highlands around 1200 to 1535 A.D.
6. 3rd of the 5 racial castas
7. 2nd of the 5 racial castas
8. Led the revolution that caused most of South America to be free
9. Led rebels to help peasants and they got power & a constitution
10. Led rebels to help the poor and got better government services

Pancho Villa


Hernan Cortes

Middle class citizens who were mostly European ancestry born in the Americas

Revolted due to unequal land ownership & corrupt elites, gained land reform and a "democracy"

Known for adobe homes & marketplaces, sacrifice/heart offering & advanced customs like cocoa currency

Known for jungle cities of stone, sacrifice/rubber ball game, & an astronomy calendar


Simon Bolivar




Fidel Castro

Known for terracing & stone cities, animals and roads that can handle the rugged landscape

Lower class citizens who are mixed racially of European & Native ancestors

Spanish conquistador who caused division amongst the Inca & then raided their lands

Spanish conquistador who was welcomed by the Aztec before he took over their city

Revolted due to economic oppression from Spain, gained independence & improved trade

Revolted due to widespread poverty & corrupt elites, gained a new communist system

Francisco Pizarro