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These neurons are part of the afferent side of neuronal interactions

This term means a "conduction of impulses toward a center"

There are an untold number of these throughout the body, including ones which are sensitive to touch, pressure, pain, joint position, chemical concentration, and light and sound waves

This process is used by sensory neurons, it bring impulses into the spinal cord

This process, used by sensory neurons, conducts impulses to the brain for central processing

These neurons form part of a pathway along which impulses pass from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland

These are specialized chemical synapses formed at the sites where the terminal branches of the axon of a motor neuron contact a target muscle cell

These are the intermediate structures between the central and peripheral nervous systems

These neurons originate in the brain stem or the spinal cord

These neurons lie outside the central nervous system in collections of nerve cells called autonomic ganglia