New Activity
Play Crossword Puzzle
1 A.... It´s a person who says or does something that stops other people from enjoying things or situations, often seeing the negative side of things.
2 The short hair that grows on a man's face when he has not shaved for a few days
3 A person who dresses and looks untidy (and maybe a little dirty)
4 It´s something that covers the mouth of an animal (usually a dog) to prevent it from biting
5 The piles of broken stone and bricks, etc. that are left when a building falls down or is destroyed.
6 A......A person (usually from the entertainment business) who in the past was famous,important and admired, but is no longer any of these.
7 A small plant that grows in fields which has three round leaves. If you find a four-leaf one, it will bring you luck!
8 It´s the male bee, which doesn´t collect nectar or pollen.
9 Food and products that you can buy unpackaged and in big quantities.
10 A small place surrounded by bars, wire… where chickens or hens are kept and sleep.
11 A piece of the chess game that is the least important one.
12 To repair a hole on a piece of clothing (socks, for example) with long stitches across the hole.
13 A speech problem by which a person pronounces ´s` and ´z` as ´th`.
14 To put a piece of cloth or adhesive tape around a person´s mouth, so they can´t speak, shout or ask for help.