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Play Matching Pairs

Hidden Circle Finding Instrument: Magnifier with light to enlarge the engraved symbols.

Frame Warmer: Hot Air Blowers: Heats zyl or plastic frames for adjustment.

Frame Warmer: Salt pan: Heats zyl or plastic frames for adjustment.

Distometer: Measures the distance between the apex of the cornea and the back of the lens.

Lensometer: Measures lens prescription.

Screw Extractor/Punch: Used to remove stuck screws or when the screw head is stripped or broken off.

Hot Fingers: Hold metal and heats it to be inserted in plastic/zyl. Can be used to replace hinges or add guard arms to plastic/zyl frames.

Progressive Layout Chart

Bionic Thumb: Helps to create temple bends or to brace for screw replacements.

Drill or Dremel Drill: Removes stuck screws or makes holes in lenses (rimless glasses).