New Activity
Play Matching Game
1. Forager Bee
2. Queen Bee
3. Drone Bee
4. Comb Builder Bee
5. Cell Cleaner Bee
6. Nurse Bee
7. Guard Bee

These bees are responsible for building and repairing the wax cells of the hive.

They are usually 12-17 days old.

These bees are usually the oldest.

They protect the colony by inspecting bees that enter.

They are killed off in winter months.

These bees are usually 18-21 days old.

She lives the longest and is in charge of egg laying for the entire colony.

Their job is to clean the hive.

They are responsible for feeding the brood as well as older bees.

These bees are often inactive, and their only job is to pass on their genetic material.

There is only one of this kind of bee.

Worker bees often have this job for the longest period of time.

These are the youngest worker bees.

Their job is to look for food to bring back to the hive.