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The inverse of an exponential function.


The logarithm base b of a positive number x is defined as follows: logbx = y, if and only if x = b^y.

Natural Base Exponential Function

n an exponential growth function y = ab^x, with a > 0 and b > 1, the value b is the growth factor.

Growth Factor

An exponential equation contains the form bcx, with the exponent including a variable.

Exponential Function

Logarithmic equation

Logarithmic function

A logarithmic equation is an equation that includes a logarithm involving a variable.

Decay Function

A function with the general form y=ab^x, a ≠ 0, with b > 0, and b ≠ 1.

Exponential equation

Logarithmic parent function


A natural logarithm function is a logarithm function with base e. The natural logarithm function, y = ln x, is y = loge x. It is the inverse of y = ex.

A line that a graph approches as x or y increases in absolute value.

The simplest example of a logarithmic function is the logarithmic parent function, written f(x) = logb(x), where b is a positive real number, b ≠ 1.

A natural base exponential function is an exponential functio with base e.

In an exponential decay function y=ab^x, with a > 0 and 0 < b < 1, the value b is the decay factor.

Natural logarithm function

Exponential Parent Functions

The exponential parent functions are functions of the form y = b^x, where x is a real number, b > 0, and b ≠ 1.