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Create Froggy Jumps Games

Create your own online Froggy Jumps or search among the thousands of Froggy Jumps Games that other Educaplay users have created. You can also generate Froggy Jumps Games for print.
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574,184 Froggy Jumps Games created by users on Educaplay

How does it work...

With just a few clicks you will create a game where players have to make this frog jump through the places with the correct answers to your questions until they get it safely to the shore.

Your players will be thrilled having to answer against the clock, fighting to avoid running out of time or lives.

Or not. Because Froggy Jumps is versatile: if you prefer your players to go at their own pace with less stimuli, you can give them unlimited time and lives.

You have a lot of resources to create your questions and answers combining texts, audio files, pictures or even animated gifs.