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Thiazide diuretics ( early distal convoluted tubule )

____________________ ( HCTZ )

____________________ ( chlothiazide )

____________________ ( methychlothiazide )

Thiazide type diuretics :

____________________ ( Lozide , Lozol )

____________________ ( Hygroton )

____________________ ( Zaroxolyn )

Promotes diuresis when no ____________________ ____________________

Med of first choice for essential ____________________

Use for edema of ____________________ - ____________________ severity

Used in conjunction with ____________________ for blood pressure control

Adverse effects : dehydration , low ____________________ , high ____________________

Avoid in ____________________ and with ____________________

No risk of ototoxicity

Given orally except ____________________ can be given IV

Watch orthostatic BP

Give early ____________________ and ____________________ to avoid nocturia

Alternate daily dosing to decrease ____________________ ____________________