New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . The National Health Institute says that Americans need to eat ____________________ food .
2 . Americans are overweight and ____________________ people are able to fit into standard airline seats .
3 . Americans need to consume ____________________ calories .
4 . Americans need to eat ____________________ junk food .
5 . Studies also show that Americans are getting ____________________ exercise .
6 . They are spending ____________________ minutes each day doing simple activities such as walking .
7 . This study means that ____________________ ____________________ forty - percent of the population is carrying a healthy weight .
8 . The National Health Institute is urging people to eat ____________________ fat and more fruit and fiber .
9 . That means they need to consume ____________________ super - sized drinks and fattening burgers .
10 . Americans have ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ work to do to improve their overall health .