New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . Tom usually ____________________ ( to play ) football in the school .
2 . María always ____________________ ( to tell ) me the truth .
3 . He ____________________ ____________________ ( to understand ) the teacher now .
4 . Tonight I ____________________ ____________________ ( to go ) to the cinema .
5 . The bus ____________________ ( leave ) at 6 o'clock .
6 . Paco and Tadeo ____________________ ____________________ ( to come ) to the party tonight .
7 . We always ____________________ ( to eat ) sweets in the party .
8 . ____________________ you ____________________ ( to like ) rock music ? Yes , I ____________________ .
9 . ____________________ she ____________________ ( to study ) for the exam now ?
10 . Manolo ( our teacher ) ____________________ ( to hate ) frogs because they are ugly animals .