New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
ANTHEM FOR ____________________ YOUTH
( Wilfred Owen )

What passing - bells for these who ____________________ as ____________________ ?
Only the ____________________ anger of the guns .
Only the stuttering rifles' ____________________ ____________________
Can patter out their hasty orisons .
No ____________________ now for them ; no prayers nor bells ;
Nor any voice of mourning save the ____________________ , ?
The shrill , ____________________ ____________________ of wailing shells ;
And bugles calling for them from sad shires .
What candles may be held to speed them all ?
Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of ____________________ .
The ____________________ of girls' ____________________ shall be their ____________________ ;
Their flowers the tenderness of ____________________ minds ,
And each slow dusk a drawing - down of ____________________ .