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Play Fill in the Blanks Game
The flea feeds on blood from the dog . There is no benefit to the dog and the itching and bites may lead to infection . In this relationship the flea ____________________ while the dog is ____________________ .

The photosynthetic algae provide food for the fungus , which in turn provides a suitable living environment for the algae . In this relationship , the fungus ____________________ , while the algae ____________________ .

The bacteria in the gut of the termite breakdown and fed on some of the cellulose taken in by the termite . The termite would be unable to digest cellulose without these bacteria and they gain an additional source of nutrition from the surplus digested cellulose . In this relationship the Termite ____________________ , while the bacteria ____________________ .

The Remora fish swim alongside the shark and take scraps of food the shark drops during feeding . The shark does not eat the Remora an appears unaffected by its presence . In this relationship the Remora ____________________ while the Shark is ____________________ .

The cattle egret follows herds of cattle and eats the insects that the cattle stir up as they move through the grassland . The cattle ignore the egrets and they do not seem to affect the cattle . In this relationship , the Cattle are ____________________ while the Egret ____________________ .

The tapeworm lives in the small intestines of where it feeds and grows , robbing its host of essential nutrients . In this relationship , the host is ____________________ , while the tapeworm ____________________ .