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Energy Transformation

2 letters per starred spot

Mutations AND Mixing of alleles during Sexual Reproduction

Dependent Variable


Punnett Square definition

Asexual Reproduction

Punnett Square showing VARIATION of offspring genotypes compared to parents

1 letter per starred spot

Independent Variable

The two different parents

Sexual Reproduction

Controlled Variable

Punnett Square showing NO VARIATION of offspring genotypes compared to parents

Natural Selection

The possible offspring

Energy Transfer

A chart that shows all the possible combinations of alleles that can result from a genetic cross of 2 parents

The transfer of energy from one object to another object

The process of changing one form of energy to another form of energy.

Type of reproduction that leads to NO variation of traits

Causes of genetic variation

The variable that we measure in an experiment (the effect)

We want only the independent variable to cause our results. So we keep all other variables the same. The variables we keep the same are called...

A change in a gene/allele base pair that causes a new allele to be formed that can be passed to the offspring

Organisms with the better genes survive and those alleles get passed on the offspring

Type of reproduction that leads to variation of traits

The variable that we make different in an experiment (the cause)