New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . Fiction books are narrative ____________________ that are from an author's imagination to ____________________ readers .

2 . Realistic fiction - stories that could actually happen in ____________________ life .
* realistic characters have real life ____________________ , ____________________ , and ____________________ .

3 . Mystery - a fictional story with the solution of a ____________________ or the unraveling of ____________________
* Mystery stories can be ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ , or ____________________ stories .

4 . Fantasy - a story that has ____________________ or other ____________________ settings or characters
* For example , talking animals or characters with powers

5 . Historical fiction - a story with ____________________ characters and events in a ____________________ setting
* Stories are based on ____________________ events , dates or people

6 . Fairy tales - a story with ____________________ or other ____________________ creatures

7 . Science fiction - stories about ____________________ , ____________________ , and the ____________________

8 . Traditional literature - stories ____________________ ____________________ orally throughout history

9 . Non - fiction books have text and visual images to give ____________________ ____________________ about a particular topic .
* Information in these books is ____________________ !
* The purpose of non - fiction is to ____________________

10 . Informational - texts that include ____________________ and ____________________ about real life topics

11 . Autobiography - a text someone writes to give ____________________ information about their ____________________ life

12 . Biography - text someone writes to give ____________________ information about ____________________ ____________________ lif e