New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Rejoice in the Lord ____________________ : and again I say , ____________________ . Let ____________________ moderation be ____________________ unto all ____________________ . The ____________________ is at ____________________ . Be ____________________ for nothing ; ____________________ in every ____________________ by ____________________ and supplication with ____________________ let your ____________________ be made ____________________ unto God . ____________________ the peace of ____________________ , which ____________________ all understanding , ____________________ keep ____________________ hearts and ____________________ through ____________________ ____________________ . ____________________ , brethren , whatsoever ____________________ are true , ____________________ things are ____________________ , ____________________ things ____________________ just , ____________________ things are ____________________ , whatsoever ____________________ are ____________________ , whatsoever things are of ____________________ ____________________ ; if ____________________ be ____________________ virtue , and ____________________ there ____________________ any ____________________ , ____________________ on these ____________________ .