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- To officially confirm one's arrival at a certain place where one is expected, such as a hotel. - To communicate with someone at a certain interval in time so as to provide or ask about an update in status or otherwise simply talk

To pay a casual visit to some place.

To eat a small amount of food in tiny bites and without much interest.

- To communicate with someone at a later time or date.

To remove something adhered to something else by pulling at it with one's fingertips.

To harass, bully, or tease one.

To grasp something (as with one's hands) and lift it up vertically.

To update one another on life events that occurred since the last time seeing each other

To choose someone or something from a group of similar people or things.

To detect or notice something; to become alert to or aware of something.

To discover facts about someone or something; to learn a fact.