New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . During the ____________________ years of the company there were only three employees ; now there are over one thousand .
2 . Finding it difficult to make a living in Vietnam , Jane's parents thought it best to ____________________ to France .
3 . The geese flew in a V - shaped ____________________ across the sky .
4 . His criticism was cruel and not ____________________ or helpful at all .
5 . She was a rebellious child with no desire to ____________________ .
6 . The ____________________ monarch butterflies fly to Mexico every fall .
7 . He treated my mom poorly because she was an ____________________ from Mexico , he felt that she did not belong here .
8 . The trees are small now , but in a few years they will be tall enough to ____________________ our view of the ocean .
9 . I did not ____________________ his words as a sincere apology , especially after he stuck his tongue out at me after the teacher left .
10 . Dean's teacher knew about his trouble in school , but Mr . Thoreson was going to do whatever it took to help ____________________ him .