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Play Matching Game
1. Interrole conflict
2. Intrarole conflict
3. Parental Role Unoccupied
4. Parental Incapacity
5. Role Rejection
6. Role-Transition Problems
7. Child Incapacity/Disorder
8. Deficient Community Resources

Father recently remarried and new stepmother is having daily arguments with children about tasks.

Mother does not know the developmental stages of a child and becomes frustrated when he cries while she is watching TV.

Mother is deployed with her National Guard unit to Afghanistan.

New parents argue who needs to bathe and change the baby.

Father, a migrant farm worker, leaves for seasonal employment in Ohio.

Town has no child psychiatrist to treat children with mental illness.

Father gets mad at dad because he always overrides Father's household rules.

Child was in a car accident when she was 5 years old and requires round-the-clock care.

Mother's Wednesday "girls' night out" and Saturday morning breakfast group conflicts with attending child's basketball games.

Mother drinks every night and sometimes passes out while the baby is crying.

Son has intellectual impairments which impede his successful completion of educational tasks.

Father hits his son and burns the child with cigarettes for "bothering" him.

Mother leaves the children home alone for days at a time and fails to check in.

A manufacturing plan is closed in town and unemployment soars to 15.8%.

Mother recently died and father is having difficulty taking on all the responsibility.

Father's employer expects everyone to complete mandatory overtime, which means, with commuting, he is gone from home up to 14 hours a day.