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During strenuous exercise , when not enough ____________________ is available for ____________________ pathways to meet energy needs , glucose is converted to ____________________ . After lactate is passed by the blood to the liver , it is converted back to glucose in the process of ____________________ .

Cori Cycle :

The cycle occurs under ____________________ conditions and involves both the ____________________ and ____________________ .
Under anaerobic conditions in the muscle , glucose is converted two molecules of ____________________ .
The lactate then travels through the bloodstream to the ____________________ .
Once in the liver , the lactate is converted back to ____________________ ( gluconeogenesis ) .
The glucose is excreted back to the muscle for energy .

In the Muscle :

glucose - »

2 pyruvate + 2 NADH c 2 lactate + 1 ____________________ * ( anaerobic glycolysis )

In the Liver :

2 lactate + 2 ____________________ + = 2 NADH + 2 ____________________

The two pyruvate are converted to two ____________________ molecules via gluconeogensi s