New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
. Epithelial tissue : Lines organs and glands . Types ( from smallest to largest ) :
1 . Squamous :

a . Simple Squamous : Allows for gas ____________________

Location : ____________________

b . Stratified Squamous : Provides ____________________ .

Location : Oral cavity , ____________________ , esophagus , anal canal , vagina & ____________________

2 . Cuboidal : Small ducts and tubes for secretion and absorption .

Location : ____________________ glands , Kidney tubules , ____________________ ducts

3 . Columnar : Absorption and secretion

a . Simple Columnar : Absorption and

secretion of mucous / enzymes

Location : ____________________ tract

b . Ciliated Columnar : Like simple and

" beat " to push along particles

Location : Small ____________________ & ____________________ tubes

c . Psudostratified Ciliated Columnar :

Secretion ( mucous ) / ciliaryaction

Location : ____________________

4 . Transitional : ____________________

Location : ____________________ , part of the urethra

and ____________________

Connective Tissue ( learn the list of . . . . )

connective tissue proper
Muscle Tissue

Skeletal : Striated , multinucleated

Cardiac : Striated , Uninucleated at the ____________________ discs

Smooth : ____________________ shaped with central nuclei

Nerve Tissue

Dendrites - - braches from the cell body
Cell Body : aka ____________________ or soma , contains the nucleus
Axon : " Impulse transmitters , the ____________________ "
Terminal Button , end of axon : Neurotransmitter stored here to be released into ____________________