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Gonorrhea : a gram ____________________ diplococcus

Most common symptom : ____________________

Most common sign : urethral discharge of ____________________

Organism responsible : Neisseria gonorrhea - diplococcus

Most common joint affected : ____________________

Most common sequelae site : in men , ____________________ leading to sterility ; in women , salpingitis ; in newborns , leads to blindness .

Chlamydia : ____________________ disease , opthalmia neonatorum ( colloidal silver drops ) , ____________________

Syphilis : can be transmitted through the ____________________ ; treated with penicillin

Primary stage : hard chancre , organism Treponema pallidum

Time - up to 8 weeks

Lesion is singular and ____________________

Secondary stage : time ? 8 weeks to 2 years

Lesion is a ____________________ rash , condylomata lata ( flat warts on the vulva )

Tertiary stage : time ? after ____________________ years

Lesion is Tabes dorsalis , ____________________ or vascular damage to the aorta resulting in an Aortic ____________________

Disease cannot be transmitted during the stage

Part of the Nervous System destroyed : ____________________ columns

Heart valve that is most affected : ____________________

Lab tests : VDRL - most common for screening


____________________ microscopy

Trichomoniasis :

Organism : ____________________

Discharge : ____________________ , yellow , bubbly

Monilliasis :

AKA : ____________________

Organism : fungus

Discharge : ____________________

Lesion site : in the mouth called ____________________ or in the ____________________

Lymhogranuloma Venereum :

Organism : ____________________

Lesion site : lymph nodes in the groin

Produces ____________________ strictures

Granuloma Inguinale :

Organism : ____________________

Lesion site : anogenital to perineum

Lesion type : red , beefy

Genital Herpes :

Organism : Virus

Associated with perinatal infection in the newborn


Genital Warts :

AKA : condylomata acuminate

Virus : ____________________

Flesh colored cauliflower erosion which become painful ulcers

Linked to ____________________

Chancroid :

Organism : Hemophilus ____________________

Lesion type : soft , painful


Organism : HIV

Lab tests : ____________________ - screening test

Western Blot ? most accurate

Associated conditions : Pnemocystis ____________________ - most common

Giardi lamblia - diarrhea

____________________ sarcoma - on skin

Person at most risk : homosexual male , IV drug user

Person at least risk : female , homosexual female

____________________ : for breast feeding

Molluscum Contagiosum :

Organism : Virus

Who gets it : can occur in children ; sexually transmitted only in adults

Lesion type : flesh colored or gray umbilicated ____________________ that becomes pearly white with a caseous core ; lesion is dome shape d