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personality disorders are : Characterized by a relatively fixed and ____________________ reaction to stress .

Hysterical : Histrionics

Attention seeking , ____________________ , seductive person who is unable to be deeply involved


Antisocial : Psychopath / Sociopath

Acts out conflicts with no remorse or ____________________

No insight into ____________________

Paranoid : Markedly sensitive to ____________________ relationships

Suspicious attitudes lead to aggressive feelings

Thinks people are out to harm him , but this is ____________________

Obsessive / Compulsive : Perfectionist ; inflexible ; entangled with details ; highly repetitive


Example : person who repeatedly cleans the house

The persistent thoughts are ____________________

The persistent actions are ____________________

Schizoid : ____________________ and withdrawn

Emotionally cold and ____________________

Schizophrenia is an affective disorder

____________________ : Associated with muscle inhibition

Bipolar Affective Disorder : Behavior alternates between ____________________ and ____________________ ( mood swings )

Involutional Melancholia : Period of depression associated with ____________________ ( Age 50 - females )

Reaction Formation : Unconsciously depressed ____________________ behavior

Expresses opposite behavior in an exaggerated form

Hallucinations : ____________________ problem

Neurotic : Distressing symptoms ; anxiety , phobia , obsession , compulsion , hysterical conversion

and disassociative phenomena

Able to distinguish fantasy from reality and demonstrates inappropriate behavior such

as ritualistic ____________________

____________________ : Chronic unrealistic anxiety ; panic attacks or hyperventilation

____________________ : Avoidance behavior ; fear of ? . .

____________________ ? public spaces : acrophobia ? heights : astrophobia -


Conversion Hysteria : Emotional problem manifests as ____________________ complaints

Example : person is paralyzed when they witness a tragic event or hysterical


____________________ : Preoccupation with bodily functions and a morbid fear that one is suffering

from serious disease

____________________ : Person who admires himself in the mirror and no one else is important in his life , but is

Not vengeful ; attention seeker

____________________ : An unconscious defense mechanism in which unacceptable ideas and impulses are thrust out of consciousness ; painful subject stems from internal sources

____________________ : A defense mechanism in which the existence of unpleasant realities is kept out of

conscious awareness

Painful subject stems from external sources such as impulses or fantasies most

frequently encountered defense mechanism

Seen in alcoholics

____________________ : Attributing one's own unacceptable desires and impulses to someone else

____________________ : Demonstrates childhood behavior as an inappropriate response to stress

____________________ : Basic instincts

____________________ : Reality testing portion of the personality

____________________ : Guilt

____________________ Therapy : Used to treat alcoholics ; associates drinking with unpleasant consequences

____________________ : A behavior modification technique in which the patient is taught to imitate the desired behavior of another

____________________ : In behavior technique , a form of desensitization for the treatment of phobias and related disorders in which the patient is repeatedly exposedd , in imagination or real life , to emotionally distressing stimuli of high intensity

____________________ : Development of free association and dream analysis as a route to the unconscious mind developed the theory of behavior going from : oral to anal to phallic or genital Anal : person is stubborn and develops an order to every aspect of life

____________________ : Hierarchy of human needs ; self actualization

____________________ : The collective unconscious ; used psychoanalysis

____________________ test : Ink blot test

____________________ : Cross dressing ( Dennis Rodman )

____________________ : Associated with delirium tremens and folate deficienc y