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____________________ : Non steroidal anti inflammatory ; Feldene

____________________ : Alleviates coughing ; an Antitussin

____________________ : Predisposes the elderly to falls

____________________ : For the treatment of herpes

____________________ : An anticoagulant ; check prothrombin time

____________________ : Classified as a narcotic ; Lidocaine used as a local anesthetic

____________________ : Aspirin ; cause bleeding ; associated with deafness and Reye's syndrome

Inhibits prostaglandins

____________________ : Used to treat depression

____________________ : Used to treat anxiety ; side effect is tremors

____________________ : Sleeping pills ; can produce respiratory depression

Colchicine : Used to treat gout

____________________ Drugs : Include mushrooms and nutmeg

____________________ : Has the taste of cherry seeds or almonds

____________________ Poisoning : Produces basophilic stippling of the RBC's

Seen among those who work in battery factories and from lead paint

Affects the nervous system

Carbon Monoxide : Associated blue mucous ____________________ poisoning

____________________ : Tylenol ; an antipyretic analgesic ; causes liver damage

____________________ : Causes hypertension in those taking MAO inhibitors ; found in Red wine and cheese .

Don't give with migraine headaches

____________________ : A drug used to treat depression that produces tremors

____________________ Inhibitor : An organophosphate

Beta Blockers : Given for ____________________ and ____________________

____________________ : Odor of garlic

____________________ : A drug used to treat schizophrenia

____________________ : A substance that makes you vomit ; if the substance is taken by mouth

Normally then use an emetic to get rid of it

Example : aspirin poisoning use an emetic ; gasoline does not

____________________ : Used to treat anaphylactic shock

Activated Charcoal : An ____________________

Syrup of Ipecac : Induces ____________________

____________________ : Occurs in miners and those who work with dust

____________________ : Leads to pleural mesotheliom a