New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
A . Disc

S / S : Aggravated by Dejerine's triad , cord or nerve compression with neck ____________________

Dx : Xray , MRI , positive ____________________

Tx : Hard braces - 1 symptom - soft brace , rest , ice ( acute ) , intermittent ____________________ , hot packs , gentle ____________________ ( As soon as patient can tolerate set - up )

Monitor : Mensuration and compression signs

B . Tumor - Cord or nerve compression , aggravated by Valsalva , MRI ,

Tx : ____________________

C . IVF : Pain down one nerve root , aggravated by extension and rotation

Tx : ____________________ , PT

D . Torticollis - Neck and shoulder pain , ____________________ towards side of spasm

Tx : ____________________ , PT

E . Strain / Sprain - Generalized symptoms , process of elimination .

Tx : Varies , PT

F . Barre - Lieou Syndrome - Cervical injury damaging sympathetics , rotation aggravates

S / S : Mimics Meniere's or VBAI .

Tx : ____________________

G . Wallenburg syndrome - " PICA " involvement mimics TIA , mostly motor involvement ( weakness )

Tx : ____________________ , rule out arterial disease

H . Benign Positional Vertigo .

Vertigo in certain positions , fatigues in 30 seconds usually or has a 5 second delay , Baray - Nylen Test

Tx : ____________________ and monitor

I . Labyrinthitis - ____________________ with quick motion , often associated with swelling post trauma

Tx : ____________________ and monitor

J . TOS :

S / S : Neurologica involvement ( radiating pain into little finger ) , ache ( entire arm ) , ____________________ ( especially medial aspect of hand ) , ____________________ involvement and relief patterns

Vascular involvement : Cold , edema , Raynaud's burn , pulsations , Horner's syndrome

Associated Conditions : ____________________ , Klippel Feil's , scoliosis

Leads to : Double crush , Shoulder Hand syndrome

Dx : ____________________ , SomatoSensory Evoked Potentials ( SSEP's ) , plethysmograph , doppler

Tx : adjust ____________________ , sternoclavicular / AC , massage , US , electrical stimulation , TENS

evaluate ergonomics ( home , work )

Exercise : Corner push - ups , stretch ( neck , shoulders ) , psture , platysma ( raise clavicle )

Brace : Enlarge straps on brassier , shoulder brace

K . ____________________



I . Whiplash Injury

S / S : HA , neck pain , dizziness , neurological symptoms , vascular compromise

Flexion Stresses : ____________________ ( supraspinous ) , Interspinous and Flava

Extension Stresses : ____________________ , Longus colli , ALL< and Esophagus

Flexion Fractures : Spinous avulsion

Vertebral compression

Extension Fractures : Spinous compression

Vertebral ____________________