New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
A . Osteochondritis Dessicans - ( aka's OCD and quiet necrosis ) ( no infection )

Location : ____________________ femoral ____________________ ( posterior , lateral border )

S / S : Vague ____________________ pain , stiffness , swelling , weight bearing instability , catching , lock , giving away

Dx : Xray ( joint ____________________ ) , MRI

Tx : No ____________________ ( 6 - 12 weeks )

Brace - ____________________ , crutches , and heat in initial case

Exercise - no weight ROM - gravity ROM - resistant ROM

Monitor - MRI , bone scan ( same in 12 weeks - ____________________ )

B . Pellegrini Stieda - ( trauma or idiopathic )

S / S : ____________________ knee pain

Dx : Xray , ____________________ MCI , bone scan

Tx : DO NOT MASSAGE for ____________________ months ( use Ultra Sound )

C . Osgood Schlatter - ( ____________________ , trauma )

S / S : Localized pain ____________________ to ____________________

Dx : Lateral Xray

Tx : Decrease activity , ____________________ 4 - 8 weeks , pain for several ____________________ anticipated

D . Meniscus - ( shock absorber ) ( 50% of walking load ) ( inner avascular , outer vascular )

Causes : ____________________ injuries while foot is planted

S / S : Locking , clicking , pain

Dx : Computed tomography , arthroscopy , ____________________ , scintigraphy ( best for lateral meniscus )

Tx : ____________________ ( reduction ) ( genu stretch - rock )

Exercise - ( vastus ____________________ and ____________________ )

PT - diathermy ( deep heat )

Disability - ( decrease activity ____________________ months )

Surgery - not usually successful

Unhappy Triad

1 . Anterior ____________________

2 . Medial ____________________

3 . Medial ____________________

E . Anterior Cruciate - ( ____________________ )

Anterior portion of tibia - ____________________ femoral condyle

Prevents hyperextension

Associated with : Hemarthrosis with tears , fragments with fractures

S / S : Pain , instability

Dx : MRI , arthroscopy

Tx : Non weight bearing

Brace - limits extension to 45 degrees ( Lenox Hill , 4 - pt )

Exercise - 6 - 9 months , ____________________ to full ____________________

F . Posterior ____________________ - ( hyperflexion causes injuries ) ( rare )

Varus unstable at ( 0º - full flexion ) = cruciate

Varus unstable at ( >30º flexion ) = collateral

Tx : Exercise ____________________ extreme ____________________ ( 45º - 90º flexion )

G . ____________________ Patella - ( aka Patella - Femoral Syndrome )

S / S : Weakness about knee , aching , flexion and load aggravates , crepitus , catching , locking

Associated with : Q angle , medial femoral torsion , pronated feet , patella alta , TFL

Dx : ____________________ view , ____________________

Tx : Adjust , ____________________ , ice , anti - inflammatory , HVG

Cho - Pat Strap ( below knee - ____________________ patellae ) , orthotics , heel lifts

Exercise ( genu stretch ) vastus ____________________

H . Patella Dislocation - ( ____________________ and ____________________ )

____________________ test

I . Bursae - ____________________ : Pre - patellar - adjust

____________________ : Infra - patellar

Pes anserine : Medial tibia ( sartorius / Gracilis / semi - Tendinosis )

J . Baker's cyst - ____________________ protrusion ( posterior knee ) - ____________________

K . Aneurysm - Popliteal artery ( posterior knee ) - ____________________