His activities

  • Word Search Puzzle

    Alphabet Soup lyrics

    Word Search Puzzle

    The student must perform the following alphabet soup that is made with animals, fruits , objects. but it complements the alphabet. El estudiante debe realizar la siguiente sopa de letras que esta c...

  • Matching Pairs

    the bathroom

    Matching Pairs

    couples hanging find the right object and the word

  • Matching Pairs

    my room

    Matching Pairs

    hello i am carlos. this is my room. Must identify words with images of objects

  • Matching Pairs

    At the supermarket

    Matching Pairs

    I buy a lot of things with my mother

  • Unscramble Letters Game


    Unscramble Letters Game

    Students must order the following adjectives... This game will limit. Los estudiantes deben ordenar los siguientes adjetivos.. este juego tendrá limite.

  • Matching Pairs

    Buying clothes

    Matching Pairs

    I want to look great at the party

  • Quiz

    the game tries to answer a few simple questions to be undertaken

  • Crossword Puzzle

    complete the crossword

    Crossword Puzzle

    you as a student must complete the following crossword is very easy ... is no time limit , it is even easier ... good luck ! tu como estudiante debes completar el siguiente crucigrama es muy fácil...

  • Fill in the Blanks Game

    complete the text old mac donald

    Fill in the Blanks Game

    el estudiante debe completar el texto el que tenga mas palabras gana! the student must complete the text that words have more wins!

  • Matching Game

    los estudiantes deben relacionar los números con sus nombres en ingles students must relate the numbers with their names in English