His activities

  • Crossword Puzzle

    Spanish IV unit 1 vocabulary

    Crossword Puzzle

    Find the vocabulary words

  • Matching Pairs

    Match the picture with the correct vocabulary word.

  • Dictation Game


    Dictation Game

    Click start, then click in the box to type the word/phrase you hear. Type a comma (,) and a space after every word, except for the last one. Ex: le dijo, necesito hablar, no quería You have to clic...

  • Dictation Game

    Type the words that you hear and type a comma (,) and a space after each word (except for the last one). Ex: el perro, el gato, un elefante You have to click in the box to be able to type.

  • Dictation Game

    Spanish III unit 1 dictation. Click "start," then type the answer (click in the box to start typing), then type a comma (,) after each answer.

  • Matching Pairs

    Spanish III unit 1

    Matching Pairs

    Unit 1 vocabulary and future and conditional