His activities

  • Quiz

    Answer the question

  • Word Search Puzzle


    Word Search Puzzle

    new vocabulary

  • Riddle

    In Berenice's story we find few characters, but they are completely different from each other. ¡LET'S IDENTIFY THEM!

  • Riddle

    In Berenice's story we find few characters, but they are completely different from each other. ¡LET'S IDENTIFY THEM!

  • Riddle

    In Berenice's story we find few characters, but they are completely different from each other. ¡LET'S IDENTIFY THEM!

  • Riddle

    In Berenice's story we find few characters, but they are completely different from each other. ¡LET'S IDENTIFY THEM!

  • Crossword Puzzle

    Activity 2.1: Crossword

    Crossword Puzzle

    Complete this Crosword taking into account general information from the tale 'Berenice' By Edgar Allan Poe