His activities

  • Unscramble Words Game

    test(verbal tense 2)

    Unscramble Words Game

    answer the following question correctly and test your knowledge

  • Unscramble Words Game

    test(verbal tense)

    Unscramble Words Game

    answer the following question correctly and test your knowledge

  • Unscramble Letters Game

    question 3

    Unscramble Letters Game

    correctly answer the following question

  • Unscramble Letters Game

    question 2

    Unscramble Letters Game

    correctly answer the following question

  • Unscramble Letters Game

    question 1

    Unscramble Letters Game

    correctly answer the following question

  • Matching Pairs

    verbal tense

    Matching Pairs

    assign the group to which each sentence belongs

  • Matching Game

    verbal tense

    Matching Game

    assign the group to which each sentence belongs

  • Matching Pairs

    verbal tense

    Matching Pairs

    assign the group to which each sentence belongs

  • Matching Game

    verbal tense 2

    Matching Game

    assign the group to which each sentence belongs

  • Fill in the Blanks Game

    verbal tense

    Fill in the Blanks Game

    complete the sentences in order to give it a meaning

  • Fill in the Blanks Game

    simple future

    Fill in the Blanks Game

    complete the sentences in order to give it a meaning

  • Alphabet Game

    roll the wheel and find 16 conjugated verbs in simple past

  • Alphabet Game

    roll the wheel and find 16 conjugated verbs in simple past

  • Crossword Puzzle

    simple past

    Crossword Puzzle

    search and find 6 verbs in simple past

  • Crossword Puzzle

    simple present

    Crossword Puzzle

    search and find 10 verbs in simple present

  • Word Search Puzzle

    simple past

    Word Search Puzzle

    search and find 15 verbs in simple past

  • Word Search Puzzle

    simple letter soup present

    Word Search Puzzle

    search and find 10 verbs in simple present

  • Slideshow

    simple present


    watch the following videos and practice

  • Slideshow

    simple past


    watch the following videos and practice

  • Slideshow

    simple future


    watch the following videos and practice