His activities

  • Fill in the Blanks Game

    Use of verb to be

    Fill in the Blanks Game

    Complete the following text by clicking the correct form of verb to be

  • Word Search Puzzle

    Means of transport

    Word Search Puzzle

    In this activity you need to find eight means of transport

  • Word Search Puzzle

    Halloween vocabulary

    Word Search Puzzle

    This acitivity is going to help you to identify some words related with halloween.

  • Unscramble Words Game

    Question tags

    Unscramble Words Game

    Lets organize the following words to make a sentence and at the same time to practice our listening. Vamos a organizar las siguientes palabras para hacer una oración y al mismo tiempo practicar nustra...

  • Dictation Game

    Question tags, listening

    Dictation Game

    Write the dialogue you are going to listen to. Pay attention to the question tags. Escribe el diálogo que vas a escuchar. Presta atención a las question tags.

  • Dictation Game

    Listening exercise

    Dictation Game

    Listen to the following audios and write them. (escucha los siguientes audios y escríbelos)

  • Unscramble Words Game

    Verbal tenses review

    Unscramble Words Game

    Organise the following sentence by clicking on each word. You can help you with the audio. (organiza la siguiente oración haciendo clic sobre cada palabra. Te puedes ayudar con el audio.

  • Quiz

    Read the following sentences and choose the correct modal verb that complete them Lea las siguientes oraciones y escoja el verbo modal correcto que las complementa.

  • Word Search Puzzle

    Prepositions of place

    Word Search Puzzle

    Encuentra las preposiciones de lugar en la siguiente sopa de letras. Solo horizontal y verticalmente. Arrastra el mouse sobre la palabra. Dispones sólo de tres minutos.