His activities

  • Video Quiz

    In this activity, students have to answer some questions from the information given by the video

  • Matching Pairs

    Im this, students should match some sentences with the correct comparative adjective group

  • Matching Game

    Los estudiantes deben indicar a qué grupo comparativo pertenecen las oraciones. terminada la ésta actividad, dirígete al link abajo https://www.educaplay.com/en/learningresources/4135228/html5/compar...

  • Word Search Puzzle

    Personal Information

    Word Search Puzzle

    Here, students should be able to find out some vocabulary related with ToBe verb and personal information Aquí, los estudiantes deberán ser capaces de encontrar vocabulario relacionado con el verbo T...

  • Quiz

    Students have to answer in correctly, some question about a mini text in order to show what they could understand from it

  • Fill in the Blanks Game

    Fill the blanks

    Fill in the Blanks Game

    Students have to fill in the blanks with the correct word, in order to give sense to the sentences