His activities

  • Unscramble Letters Game

    Organize the Letters

    Unscramble Letters Game

    Organize the Letters to form words according to the question

  • Unscramble Letters Game

    Organize the Letters

    Unscramble Letters Game

    Organize the Letters to form words according to the question

  • Unscramble Letters Game

    Organize the Letters

    Unscramble Letters Game

    Organize the Letters to form words accoring to the question

  • Unscramble Letters Game

    Organize the Letters

    Unscramble Letters Game

    Organize the Letters to form words according to the question

  • Unscramble Letters Game

    Organize the Letters

    Unscramble Letters Game

    Organize the Letters to form words according to the question

  • Crossword Puzzle


    Crossword Puzzle

    En este crucigrama podrás repasar las prendas de vestir que hemos visto en nuestra clase, completa el crucigrama apropiadamente para finalizar la actividad.