Sus actividades

  • Relacionar Columnas

    Adjectives to Describe Emotions

    Relacionar Columnas

    Match the adjectives with the correct face.

  • Relacionar Columnas

    Matching Activity - My Family

    Relacionar Columnas

    This activity consists on match images and words the idea is that students review some vocabulary about family, rights, duties, and activities.

  • Crucigrama

    Según lo establecido por el Art. 84 complete el siguiente crucigrama. Teniendo en cuenta la información brindada.

  • Completar frases

    Directivos Docentes Privados

    Completar frases

    De conformidad con el Art. 83 complete el siguiente párrafo.

  • Relacionar Columnas

    Directivos Docentes Estatales

    Relacionar Columnas

    Teniendo en cuenta lo establecido por el Art. 82 relacione los siguientes conceptos.

  • Adivinanza

    De conformidad con el Art. 81 descifre la afirmación presentada en la imagen.

  • Sopa de letras

    De acuerdo a lo dictado en el Art. 80 encuentre los términos que son tomados en cuenta, para evaluar la calidad de la enseñanza, los cuales se imparten.

  • Video Quiz

    Extra Activity

    Video Quiz

    Watch the following video and answer the questions. Then, record a reflection about what you have learnt in the course using Voxopop. To develop this activity enter to this link: http://www.voxopop....

  • Test

    According to the acquired knowledge in the course about physical appearance and personality answer the following questions.

  • Completar frases

    Filling the gaps

    Completar frases

    By pairs read the following paragraph and fill the gaps with the following words: happy, short, hair, intelligent, blond, introvert, beautiful, thin, and skin.

  • Presentación

    Topic's Presentation


    The following slides are going to explain you how to describe a person.

  • Video Quiz

    Describing People

    Video Quiz

    Watch the following video, it is divided into three parts. each segment has a question that should be reply in order to continue watching the video and finish the activity.

  • Sopa de letras

    Word Search

    Sopa de letras

    Find ten (10) adjectives in the word search.