New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Could I ____________________ ____________________ Giovanna , ____________________ ?
Can I ____________________ a message ? ( przyj ? ? )
Can I ____________________ a message ? ( zostawi ? )
Just a ____________________ . .
I'll ____________________ you .
Am I ____________________ to Corina Melenaar ?
The ____________________ I'm calling is . . .
I'll put you ____________________ .
Hold ____________________ , please .
Hello , is ____________________ Corina Molenaar ?
Yes , it's ____________________ . ( przy telefonie )
____________________ . ( przy telefonie )
I'm ____________________ ____________________ your advert .
Could you ____________________ ____________________ your name and address , please ?
I'm ____________________ she is not ____________________ at the moment .
Sorry , I didn't ____________________ ____________________ last ____________________ .
Is ____________________ the finance ____________________ ?
Could you ask him to ____________________ me ____________________ ?
Could you ____________________ me ____________________ the IT ____________________ , please ?
____________________ calling , please ?
Can you ____________________ ?
Could you tell me ____________________ ____________________ is ____________________ ?
He seems to be with someone ____________________ ____________________ . Can I ____________________ ____________________ to ____________________ you ?
I'm sorry , there is no ____________________ . I can ____________________ you to his ____________________ mail .