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Create Memory Games

Create your own online Memory Game or search among the thousands of Memory Games that other Educaplay users have created. You can also generate Memory Games for print.
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229,671 Memory Games created by users on Educaplay

How does it work...

Type in the subject of your Memory game (for example, “Chemical Elements”) and Ray automatically generates the words for the cards, the descriptions and the title.

You would only need to click on the "Publish" button, changing what you want first.

If you already know what texts, images and/or audio you are going to put in your cards, enter them in the editor, give your game a title and description, and it will be ready to publish.

Your players flip the Memory cards by tapping on them on the touch screen or clicking on them with a mouse.

You can set time limits or a finite number of lives to make it more exciting.