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Create Word Search Puzzles

Create your own online Word Search Puzzle or search among the thousands of Word Search Puzzles that other Educaplay users have created. You can also generate Word Search Puzzles for print.
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1,840,038 Word Search Puzzles created by users on Educaplay

How does it work...

We just need you to write or paste a list of words to create your Word Search Puzzle in any type of alphabet including Latin, Arabic, Greek, Cyrillic, Chinese, Japanese or Hebrew.

You can add audio, images or animated gifs to use them as clues instead of the words, or to illustrate them.

And if you think the activity title is enough to solve it, you can hide all the words and clues.

When they find a word, your players click on the first letter, drag their finger or cursor to the last letter, and release. They can also do the same starting with the last letter.

You can set time limits or a definite number of lives to make it more exciting.