New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Before doing the exercises , please REMEMBER :

Ordinal numbers
1 primer ( o ) *
2 segundo
3 tercer ( o )
4 cuarto

1 . * The first of each month is 'el primero' .
2 . The first Sunday =
El primerO domingo ( incorrecto )
El primer domingo ( correcto )


1 . Mi cumpleaños ____________________ ____________________ 5 de ____________________ .
My birthday is on the 5th of May .

2 . La navidad ____________________ ____________________ 25 de ____________________ .
Christmas is on the 25th of December .

3 . El Día de la Madre ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ de ____________________ en Estados Unidos .
Mother's Day is on the second Sunday of May in the US .

4 . El ____________________ de ____________________ .
The first of July .

5 . El 14 ____________________ ____________________ es ____________________ Día de San Valentín .
Valentine's Day is on the 14th of February .

6 . El cumpleaños de mi hermana ____________________ ____________________ 16 ____________________ ____________________ .
My sister's birthday is on the 16th of March .

7 . El Día del Padre ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ domingo ____________________ ____________________ .
Father's Day is on the third Sunday of June .

8 . ¿ Tu cumpleaños ____________________ ____________________ 8 ____________________ ____________________ ?
Is your birthday on the 8th of October ?

9 . Su cumpleaños ____________________ ____________________ 19 ____________________ ____________________ .
His birthday is on the 19th of November .

10 . El Día de Acción de Gracias ____________________ el ____________________ jueves de ____________________ .
Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of November .

11 . Su cumpleaños ____________________ el ____________________ de ____________________ .
Her birthday is on the first of April .

12 . El cumpleaños de mi esposo es ____________________ 29 ____________________ ____________________ .
My husband's birthday is on the 29th of August .