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Civic virtue is

The plan for Seaside, Florida, was

The ethical connection remains vague between

New Urbanism invigorated

"Environmentalism" is

In Nolen's Venice regional plan,

Central to the movement of New Urbanism is spurring

In Nolen's plan for St. Petersburg,

New Urbanists depict current development practices as

Suburban sprawl degrades the land and numbs the soul because it relegates

John Nolen integrated

'Sellscapes' create

The main focus of the article is to study

A privatized suburban landscape of malls and gated subdivisions lacks

greenbelts protected natural features while parkways extended from the hinterlands into downtown.

a civic presence and a sense of civic virtue.

city planning history by invoking the tradition of American civic design to solve suburban sprawl.

"sellscapes", meaning areas segregated by market segments.

the belief that skilled professionals could design environments to improve the human situation.

the past plans of Nolen and the present work of New Urbanists.

the evolution of John Nolen's planning vision and the garden city ethic he introduced in the U.S.

parkways linked white and black neighborhoods to parks and local centers planned for stores, churches, and public buildings.

a landscape of isolated land uses and isolated people.

European and American design traditions to create a balanced and ethical planning system.

a "cultural shift" to rediscover civic life and to restore the vitality of the public realm.

the human environment to the dimensions of machines and to the lure of consumerism.

a modified neoclassical grid straight out of the tradition of John Nolen.

the ethic of limiting personal interests for a common good.