New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
LIKE COUNTLESS American ____________________ born in 1960 , ?

For ambitious young boys with a ____________________ bent , there could be no greater role model than James T . Kirk of Star Trek . ?

Think about it . If you've seen the TV show , you know that Kirk was not the ____________________ guy on the ship . Mr . Spock , his first officer , was the always - ____________________ intellect on board . ?

So what was Kirk's skill set ? ?

The answer : There is this skill set called ? ____________________ . ?

I learned so much by watching this guy in action . He was the ____________________ essence of the dynamic manager , a guy who knew how to ____________________ , had the passion to inspire , and ?

But he established the ____________________ , ?

Every time Kirk showed up on the ____________________ he was like a Greek god to me . And he had the coolest damn toys ! ?

A few years ago , I got a call ( on my ____________________ device ) ?

Captain Kirk wanted to visit my ____________________ reality lab at Carnegie Mellon .

Granted , my ____________________ dream ?

My students and I worked around the clock ?

Without missing a beat , he ____________________ , ? We're under attack ! ?

Shatner stayed for three hours and asked tons of ____________________ . ?

But I was hugely ____________________ . Kirk , I mean , ?

During my cancer ____________________ , ?

Over the years , some of my ____________________ ?

After Shatner learned of my ____________________ , he sent me a photo of himself as Kirk . On it he wrote : ? I don't believe in the no - win scenario . ?